ICP-AES & ICP-MS Consumables

SCP SCIENCE ICP-AES / MS products include a variety of nebulizers for different applications; replacement torches, spray chambers, and other glass / quartz ware; pump tubing; ICP-MS cones; PlasmaPURE high purity acids; and a complete range of ICP-AES / MS Calibration Standards. Replacement products are unconditionally guaranteed to meet or exceed the original manufacturer’s specifications. Many new and innovative products are included, which may enhance the signal, lower the background, or improve detection limits.


Custom ICP Standards

SCP SCIENCE ISO 9001 / ISO 17025 / Guide 34 can prepare custom multi-element calibration standards to exact specifications. Indicate the desired elements and their concentrations, together with the desired matrix, and the company will recommend a mix stability for a minimum of 12 months (reduced shelf life for concentrations less than 1 ppm). A comprehensive Certificate of Analysis accompanies each standard.

Fusion Fluxes

AccuSPEC fusion fluxes are supplied dust free, in homogeneous spherical vitreous particles with less then 0.05% moisture. Choose from a variety of our fused fluxes or request a custom blend for your application. Depending on your analytical requirements, two flux grades; Pure and Ultra Pure, are available. Used in cements, ceramics and glassmaking, mining industries, metal producers & R&D laboratories – petrochemical plants.

  • Eliminate risks associated with crucibles overflowing – High bulk density of 1.4 g/cm^3
  • Offer higher analytical accuracy – Spherical (<500 um) and vitreous particles are easy to handle
  • Two purity levels are available – Ultra Pure 99.999% best choice for ICP-AES/MS Analysis – Pure 99.99% most popular in XRF analysis
  • Complete with a detailed Certificate of Analysis – Lot number and the concentration of analytes determined by ICP-AES

High Purity Acids and Reagents

PlasmaPURE Trace Metal Grade Acids are manufactured with trace metal impurities of less than 1ppb and are intended for ICP, ICPMS, GFAA and flame AA applications above 1ppb.

PURE Plus Grade acids are manufactured with trace metal impurities less than 10ppt and packaged in pre-leached Teflon bottles for ultra low level analysis by ICP or ICPMS below 1ppb.

ICP Calibration & Verification Standards

PlasmaCAL Calibration Standards are a full range of single and multi-element calibration standards for plasma spectroscopy. 70 single element standards are available from stock; all with a minimum “unopened” shelf life of up to 21 months and an “opened” shelf life of 15 months. With the exception of rare earth standards, PlasmaCAL Standards are available in 1000 and 10,000 ug/ml concentrations in convenient sizes of 2 x 25 ml, 125 ml and 500 ml bottles. Additionally, unique multi-element custom standards are prepared to meet specific laboratory requirements.

ICP Peristaltic Pump Tubing

You can count on SCP SCIENCE for top-quality peristaltic pump tubing. Whether it is PVC, SolventFlex, Silicone, Viton® or Santoprene® SCP SCIENCE manufactures1 the proper configurations and diameters to fit all major ICP-AES and ICP-MS instrumentation in use today.

  1. Tested for physical and chemical properties to meet laboratory standards.
  2. Quality controlled with strict dimensional tolerances.
  3. Consistent flow rate from tube to tube.
  4. Tested for ultralow leachable metal content.
  5. Reduce the risk of sample contamination.
  6. Packages in a resealable bag.
  7. Remove the tubing easily through the large mouth opening.

Sampler and Skimmer ICP-MS Cones

PlasmaFORM cones are an attractive alternative to the traditional method of manufacturing ICP-MS cones. Rather than being manufactured on CNC equipment, PlasmaFORM cones are manufactured by the electroforming process. Electroformed cones are supplied with many ICP-MS instruments as standard equipment. Superior edges and internal geometry than CNC cones. Performance and durability have been proven to equal or exceed those of conventionally manufactured cones. Free PlasmaCAL Single Element Calibration Standard with each Sampler or Skimmer cone.

  1. Agilent/HP Cones
  2. NU Instruments
  3. Perkin Elmer / Sciex
  4. Thermo Fisher
  5. Thermo Fisher GVi / MicroMass
  6. Varian

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2024 @ QES GROUP BERHAD (201401042911)