Benchtop Oil Analysis – LaserNet 200 Series – Automated Wear Debris Analyser


LaserNet 200 Series is contamination and wear debris analyser that monitors lubricant condition for predictive maintenance.

  • Complies with ASTM D7596- Standard Test Method for Automatic Particle Counting and Particle Shape Classification of Oils Using a Direct Imaging Integrated Tester
  • Highest saturation limit, up to 10,000,000 particles/ml with a coincidence error <2%
  • Automatically classify particles larger than 20 micron (maximum diameter)


The LaserNet 200 Series allows reliability professionals to quickly and easily assess machinery health in just minutes. By testing only a few milliliters of fluid, users see a complete picture of machine wear and particulate contamination. This enables the user to determine filtration efficiency, the type of wear mode occurring, and the change in ferrous debris concentration, for maintenance action.

With a simple push of a button, a comprehensive picture of machine wear is generated with only a few parameters:

Particle cleanliness codes, such as ISO 4406 and ASTM D6786, indicate the overall cleanliness of the oil

Ferrous Wear Severity Index (FWSI) indicates the overall severity of the machine wear condition

Count of large cutting, sliding and fatigue wear, along with non-metallic particles, indicates the source of the particles

Having this information allows reliability professionals to make informed decisions on the maintenance of their critical assets.

All LaserNet 200 series systems are designed to work with an optional auto-sampling processor (ASP).

  • It holds 24 samples in a carousel sample tray
  • Automatically stirs sample bottles to homogenize particle distribution before each measurement 
  • Automatically cleans and rinses between measurements to eliminate cross-contamination 
  • Unattended operation up to 250 samples per day during typical lab operations. Throughput varies by oil viscosity and cleanliness target expectation

Key Features

Complies with ASTM D7596 – Standard Test Method for Automatic Particle Counting and Particle Shape Classification of Oils Using a Direct Imaging Integrated Tester

Particle Count Features

  • Particle count, size distribution and codes (ISO 4406, NAS 1638, NAVAIR 01-1A-17, SAE AS 4059, GOST, ASTM D6786, HAL, and User defined bins.)
  • Particle Count for all particles from 4 μm to 100 μm
  • Highest saturation limit, up to 10,000,000 particles/ml with a coincidence error <2%
  • Designed for mineral oils, synthetic oils, hydraulic fluids, turbine and distillate fuels
  • Viscosity range ISO15 to ISO320, undiluted
  • Images through dark fluids containing up to 1% soot content with automatic laser gain control
  • Greater than 20 microns error corrections for water and air bubbles

Automatic Shape Classification Features

  • Automatically classify particles larger than 20 micron (maximum diameter)
  • 7 classes – cutting wear, sliding wear, fatigue wear, non-metallic, water droplets, air bubbles, fiber. User can reclassify particles manually
  • Numerical count of each classes can be used for trending analysis

Ferrous Content And Particle Analysis Features

  • Total ferrous concentration per ASTM D8120
  • Reports large Ferrous concentration (PPM), percentage of large Ferrous particles (PLFP), Ferrous Wear Severity Index (FWSI)
  • 20 second additional test time for Ferrous measurement
  • Ferrous measurement performed in concert with particle count and automated shape classification (<4 microns per sample) 
  • Detects ferrous particles over 25 microns, equivalent circular diameter

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2024 @ QES GROUP BERHAD (201401042911)